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First White-Labeled App (New Tech Post) from StreamGlider in App Store

19 Apr. 2012 Posted by streamglider in iPad App

We are happy to announce that the first white-labeled app from StreamGlider, Inc. - the New Tech Post app - is now available in the Apple App Store.

For tech publisher New Tech Post, their custom app allows readers to view and respond to all recent tech news stories, tweets and videos from their journalists.

New Tech Post is navigating new horizons in technology, innovation, and social media. Its mission is to cover the next phase of the Web, making it accessible to both tech and non-tech readers alike.

Using the app, readers can browse their streams of content including tech business news, social media, mobile news and general technology stories.

More information is available in this article from New Tech Post. If you are interested in your own white-labeled app, please contact